25 July 2012

culturally askew

My blog is mostly to keep my family up to date on our happenings...it's not contraversial or political (although I do like funny political cartoons from time to time :)

However, I was moved by the latest editorial in World magazine when writer Joel Belz (a favorite of mine) asked the following questions to we readers:

"If you could identify just one issue that is terribly askew in our culture today, and then were granted as a gift from God the ability to set that one issue right, what would it be? What specific cultural victory, if we could win it, would provide the most leverage to produce a society that is closer to the cultural blueprint God has designed for us?"

While some of you could probably could guess what readers wrote about, some did surprise me...click here to read the entire article.  Do you agree?  Disagree?  

If so, I'd like to know what you think is the most culturally askew in today's society that you wish to be granted "set-right" by God?

Leave a comment or post on FB.

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