Some of you will think this post is hilarious...
...others will merely roll their eyes and sigh...
...still others may think we Miller's are what you could call "history geeks"...
whatever you think (and we'd love to hear your comments), we may as well post our historical reenactment pictures.
you see, every time we travel to some historical sight, we love thinking about the event, the people, and of course, the history that was made at each it shaped our country-the struggles, the joys.
so (deep breath) we go!

well, this photo made it's appearance about 2 years ago when we traveled to Boston (click
We were so excited to travel to the radical city at the heart of the American Revolution only to realize they still hadn't built a museum, placard, ANYTHING to acknowledge the famous
Boston Tea we reenacted with our Starbucks tea (er, mocha).

While I look quite normal here, I was VERY tempted to lie down in the middle of a fairly busy intersection in downtown Boston to honor those who were killed in the
Boston Massacre...ah, such
propaganda was portrayed by one Paul Revere as the "massacre" actually only killed 5.
Again, this stone pavement is the only acknowledgment in the city of this event.

This was my interpretation of how the Indians and American soldiers must have felt at
Custer's Last Stand out in Montana. Realizing I could quickly be mistaken for
dishonoring those who fell here, I was quick in my reenactment...well, as quick as someone who is 5.5 months pregnant :)

Arlan beckoning me onward as we hike through Yellowstone...think
Lewis & Clark; he's definitely the guide & I'm the follower!

Isn't Davy Crockett handsome?
It took quite a bit of urging to have him QUICKLY put this on in the store & look like he was ready to storm the Alamo...the
Alamo in San Antonio is's history on one side of the street with Branson-like entertainment on the other...something we were NOT expecting either.
And last but not least...our most recent reenactments:

Haven & I crossing the
Delaware River to surprise the Hessian/British troops at Trenton on Christmas Eve, 1776.
Doesn't it look similar to...

hmm...I don't have quite the intense look and my "rower" isn't paying too much attention...
although I tried :)

Haven & I reciting the
Gettysburg address
well, there you have it...historical reenactments by the Millers.
if by now you're thinking, "Poor Haven! She doesn't stand a chance!"...'re probably right :)
What kind of teacher would not allow you to "brush up" on some of your American history while reading this post?
Links are underlined :)