05 September 2011

waiting to go home

For the next several days, perhaps weeks, my blog will be pretty inactive as currently Haven & I are still in Iowa. All 3 of us, including my ever-so-devoted husband, traveled out last Wednesday night to be with my Dad over Labor Day and it seems the next step in his cancer journey was upon us...

Last Thursday we helped Mom transfer Dad to a Hospice Cottage in Luverne, MN...about 20 minutes from Lester, IA. It isn't a nursing home & it isn't a hospital...it is a wonderful 4-resident facility designed for people just like my Dad-with terminal illness that want the cozy, comfort of a home-like setting while waiting to go home...

So Haven and I are waiting because my dear Daddy is waiting...waiting for that amazing victory that comes to those who have found Jesus Christ as their Savior!

Thanks in advance for your prayers-we are feeling them!

**For a more complete, detailed journey update, feel free to visit my Dad's LinkCaringbridge page.


Ashley Baner said...

Love you and we are praying!!

Carissa said...

Praying for you and your family!
Love, Carissa

smw said...

this has got to be a terribly hard time. i'll pray for you family.

Alesa said...

love you kate

megs @ whadusay said...

love you and praying for you!

Marla said...

We are praying!!!

Jessica said...

Oh Katie, how hard this all must be. I honestly hate hearing about dealing with a loved one with cancer. It's not fair, but your dad is so blessed to have such a wonderful wife, daughter, granddaughter, son-in-law, and the list goes on... to be with him right now. Love you Katie, and we will be prayerful of peaceful and painfree days ahead for your family.

Schlipf family said...

you are in our thoughts, our prayers, and our aching hearts..all of you. We trust God to show Himself strong to your dear Dad and to each one of you..He is with you, know it! Love and prayers.

Nancy said...

A sweet victory for a dear man! Yet the hurt of earthly loss is so real and painful. We love you, your family and your parents. Prayers of comfort and strength......