25 July 2011

ode to Kens

July 17th is just not special anymore because it's my parent's anniversary but it now stands as an anniversary date for a dear friend of ours, Kendra.

I met Kendra 9 years ago through my friend Kimmy. I traveled to Illinois one weekend after college to stay with Kim and ended up tagging along to Bible study with Kendra & another friend Natalie. We didn't get to know each other right away but several months later, on yet another trip to Illinois, Kendra saw me in a book store, remembered my name [always a plus for me!], and struck up a short conversation...I've liked her ever since.

Kendra is the type of friend who is super fun & easy to be around...doesn't require tons of maintenance (or "entertaining") and is a super fun girlfriend to grab a cup of coffee with, peruse a bookstore and go on road-trips with. She tells you like it is & doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to opinions-something a true friend does. Above all, she truly strives to model herself into a Godly woman.

Since we traveled back to Iowa for my parents anniversary weekend & thus missed her big day, I wanted do a post in honor to her...here is short video of some of my favorite Kendra memories/moments!

Congratulations Doug & Kens...best wishes & we look forward to more memories!

A few wedding pictures of the bride can be found here.

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