27 February 2011

my Dad - February update

My parents arrived back from Arizona on Monday, Feb. 14th (click here to see pictures), refreshed from the sun & warmth heading south for a few weeks brings. Dad traveled very well and for the most part had really good, pain-free days while in Phoenix. He had his next round of chemo on Feb. 16 and the news wasn't as encouraging as the warmth the sunshine in Arizona brought~his PSA score was almost off the charts, at round 70. The oncologist decided to try my Dad on yet another kind of chemo (this is his 3rd kind), to see if this will help stabilize his PSA and/or slow down the progression of his cancer. This 3rd kind of chemo drug is a milder form from his previous 2, yet it seems to be the hardest on my Dad: nausea & many aches and pains are part of his daily routine. Getting a good night's sleep has become the gem that determines how well each day goes.

Rest assured, he still gets up to truck everyday and see how many loads he can haul before his body tells him to slow down & "enough's enough" for that day.

We continue to feel your prayers and are humbled at the number of people who care and are praying for my parents & all my family.
Please continue your prayers for my Dad and Mom~that they can take one day at a time; that my Mom can continue providing a positive, supportive role for Dad; and that their oncologist can provide wise counsel.

Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me;
Let them bring me to your holy mountain to the place where you dwell.
Psalm 43:4

Blessings to each~Katie

25 February 2011

Friday's Funny-gotta love "tunes"

ah, gotta love a girl who thinks her Dad's old i-pod shuffle is the bomb!

so what was she listening to, you ask? well none other than, Jesus Freaks by DC Talk...an oldie but a goodie :)

24 February 2011

alesa had her twins! alesa had her twins!

They're finally here! Yeah for Clint & Alesa! Yeah for the grandparents!
Yeah for Haven's new friends! I'm so proud of you Wees...wish I could be there to hug, kiss & love on them! Best wishes you guys!

Greyson William Bahler
6lb 8oz, 19 3/4 inches
born 24 Feb 2011 at 8:19

Ellie Lee Bahler
6lb 6oz, 20 inches born
24 Feb 2011 at 8:20

I just LOVE this picture...it says so many words!

22 February 2011


Today is a special day at the Miller household as "Dah-Dah" turns 36 today.
I thought I'd take the time to post about the incredible man I married & how only 5 years ago, we literally "Collided" into each other.

Happy Birthday babe...I love who you are, how disciplined you are, and how you truly desire to be "a man after God's own heart." You make me a better person (and sometimes remind me) & I love you today, tomorrow & always.

To you...

18 February 2011

Friday's Funny-what you will do....

...for your granddaughter :)

these 2 were in stitches of laughter, especially my mom, by the time they finished blowing up Haven's floaty...and of course, after all that work, Haven didn't really like being in it this year-sigh :)

17 February 2011

cyclone fever

Ahh...Ames, Iowa-how fuzzy, warm feelings just come to mind when I think of that great town. :)

Call me a bit nostalgic but it's so fun to head northwest, take in a Cyclone game, eat at Hickory Park and even better, catch up with good friends, Bruce & Renae...and none of us had our kiddos :)

Two weekends ago, we met them in Ames for a quick weekend getaway to catch up, reminese about 4.5 years of our lives, and catch some Cyclone basketball. While not exactly a top 25 team (yet), it was exciting basketball but our good ole Cylcones couldn't quite pull it out and ended up losing by one point to those silly Wildcats from K-State.

Thanks for meeting us Bergmans-it was another fun time!

oh yes, my husband lovingly donned Cylcone red to cheer on our team-no need to fret, you Miller/Illini faithful-he also was eagerly keeping up on the Illini score as Hilton had wifi :)

uhm, here's my new best friend: Diante Garrett-the starting point guard & star for the Cyclones...they were having a team meeting at the hotel we stayed at, so why not get a picture?!

Brucey & Gussy

15 February 2011

a quick trip to arizona

Haven and I had quite the trip to good ole Phoenix, AZ, last week for sun & fun! My mom has 2 sisters (lovingly known as "the aunts" to those who have had the pleasure of meeting them) in Phoenix and thus when my parents decided to take a little winter snowbird vacation south, Haven and I headed that direction as well. I'm pretty sure she had 3 Grandmas all week! Thanks again aunts for hosting us-we had such a grand time!

Grandma & Haven relaxing on their hotel deck

Haven & Papa ready for the pool

enjoying a snack poolside with Grandma

Haven sporting her new favorite toy...Aunt Vonnie's old cell phone-she loved it!

Grandpa taught Haven to play basketball

the ladies got pedicures-so fun!

the finished product...plus Haven wanted her feet in as well :)

Haven with my cousin Kolette's boys: Kole (4.5) & Kadyn (1.5)

Haven loved being outside and especially when Aunt Lo would play with her!

04 February 2011

Friday's Funny-catch up

So while the snow has been piling up outside, here's a few "catch-up" pictures from our days inside & also from last weekend where we found ourselves in Gridley a lot catching up with family.

Ms. Haven still LOVES playing with her, er, MY scarves!

Auntie Vera with Haven and her couisn, Charlee

cousin Amelia with Haven

this picture is great-Arlan said, "smile guys" and this is what cousin Will produced...too funny!

these 2 in the bathtub that night were hilarious! Will kept rolling a ball off the ledge of the tub and into the water, and they would both just giggle away...I guess you never know what will be funny to a 18 mo. [Will] and 15 mo. old [Haven].

Haven peering out our upstairs window after our 14.5 inches of snow

She LOVES watching the tractor scoop our driveway, but for some reason when I gave her a step-stool to step up on so she could see out better, she started crying!
Aren't those big tears and sad face just something? :)