Last weekend saw us traveling back to NW Iowa to attend my younger brother, Adam's wedding. It was quite bittersweet yet nostalgic to see the little brother you've grown up with, gotten spankings with, babysat, tutored, played with, cheered on during basketball & baseball season, and now is all "grown up" & married. Adam married a sweet girl named Erika and both just graduated from college: he an elementary school teacher & she a dental hygienist. They will be moving in August to Watertown, SD, where Adam got his first job teaching 6th grade Science.
Adam, I am very proud of all you've accomplished! Erika, welcome to the family! Both-Congratulations & best wishes on this wonderful path called
marriage! :)
Sorry but I posted LOTS of pictures!
I hope you enjoy!

the four Kellenberger sisters

isn't my groom handsome?!

The darlings of the day were my 6 year old niece Macy & 4 year old nephew Maden who were the flower girl & ring make for the best pictures. Here are several pictures of them during the rehearsal dinner & wedding day...I couldn't resist posting them as their faces are SO expressive! They are my older brother Lonn & his wife Jammie's kiddos.

the two kiddos with their mommy...I love how Maden is smirking not at the camera but at his mother :)

Maden Jay with one of his favorite people, Grandpa!
uh, pardon the extremely bad tan-line! being pregnant this summer has been well, quite humbling for me :)

And last but not least some candid family was great to spend some time with lots of family!
brother & sister and cousins to me: Cody & Betsy
Aunt Lo & I
the power-duo punch pours (aka my 2 step-nephews): Levi & Michael
me & my sister Emily
cousin Kari, Aunt Vonnie, me, Mom, Em, and Aunt Lois
Aunt Vonnie & Aunt Lois...wouldn't you LOVE to know what they are yacking about?!
good family friend Gary, Uncle Doug & Uncle Ells
the "originals"