In true A & K style, we LOVE traveling but one cannot travel without having a title to their adventure! Thus was launched Western Excursion II (W.E. I being 2 years ago to Rocky Mountain National Park, the Badlands, and Mt. Rushmore).
My husband has taught me a lot since marriage, but one thing I never really experienced was the great outdoors. Growing up, my family didn't take all that many vacations, and if we did it was more than likely inside. Visiting National Parks has/have been great! It really does give you a sense of appreciation of our country, Mr. Teddy Roosevelt (one of my favorite presidents & founder of many of our great parks...there is your history lesson for today), and last, but not least, God's beautiful creation.
We took off the Monday after Betsy's wedding & our itinerary included: Teddy Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, visiting the Battle of Little Bighorn site (better known as Custer's Last Stand), entering Yellowstone National Park via Beartooth Pass (I felt like I was going to meet Father Christmas from
Narnia), Grand Teton National Park, hiking, living off of PB & J for a week, and then visiting Devil's Tower in Wyoming.
Here are some photos including maybe the highlight of our trip...we videotaped a grizzly bear chasing a herd of elk! It was pretty incredible! Scroll through our's at the end.
Teddy Roosevelt National Park
the Battle of Little Bighorn site
Beartooth had just snowed the night before & made the pictures beautiful!
One of our first sightings, but certainly not last, of a bison & her calf in Yellowstone.We also saw elk, bison, prong-horn deer, yellow-bellied marmots, bison, moose, big-horned sheep, and oh, did I mention bison?!
My Meriwether Lewis...doesn't he look like a good explorer?!
At the top of our first hike in Yellowstone, Bunson Pass.
Old Faithful is still "faithful"....exploding every 92 minutes on average.
One of my husband's favorite things to do on vacation is wake up REALLY early to see the sunrise. I usually go kicking & screaming and then after seeing some pretty amazing colors, regret all my reluctance (shh-don't tell him though). This was sunrise at the Grand Tetons. Our heading picture was also taken that morning.
Devil's Tower in WyomingAnd last but not least, our amazing bear chase..."Bear" with us as we had just purchased a new camera, and in the midst of the excitement, had to figure out how to run the "record" feature. (I simply couldn't resist the pun!)
He/she wasn't successful & went away one mad grizzly!