29 October 2010
26 October 2010
24 October 2010
ISU Fall Party 2010
We hosted the ISU kids on Friday night for what has become an annual Fall party...this time, no baby was born a day after. :) Haven had quite the night with constant entertainment, attention & "things" to watch...she cheered & yelped right along with the gang as they bobbed for apples, loved watching the students carve pumpkins, was quite entertained as they played a few word games with her word cards & loved listening to the beautiful singing as she fell asleep. It was also considered her Halloween night as we will be out of state next weekend so we dressed her up as a fairy-she was quite fascinated with her wand.

a few others also decided to dress up...Tori came as an old lady, Clayton as a "modest" sumo-wrestler, Aaron was the bunny & Derek was a ninja.

Tori was the winner of the pumpkin carving contest with her below entry of an empty tomb, a cross & the glorious resurrection!

a few others also decided to dress up...Tori came as an old lady, Clayton as a "modest" sumo-wrestler, Aaron was the bunny & Derek was a ninja.
Jason (our stellar Pres & also purchaser of the bunny suit), Brandon, & Clark
Clayton & Allen worked for EVER on the below pumpkin but it turned out quite impressive...they however, did not finish in our time allotted & thus took a steep penalty, putting them out of the race for best pumpkin!
Tori was the winner of the pumpkin carving contest with her below entry of an empty tomb, a cross & the glorious resurrection!
Haven cheering on the bobbers!
Dustin (above) & Derek (below) tied for winners of the apple bobbing...they both retrieved 11 apples in 30 seconds...and boy, were they drenched!
22 October 2010
Friday's Funny & Minister Potluck
Last night, we had the distinct privledge of hosting our Gridley ministers for Pastor Appreciation Month. Right before they arrived, I mentioned to Arlan how I still didn't have anything scheduled for this week's Friday's Funny for my blog; "Maybe something will happen tonight...ya never know with this group." :)
Boy was he right...mere moments after the first carload arrived, I heard this loud bang as I saw Elder Earl walking up our entry & there he stood...bewildered...with pie all over his shirt!
Muttering our glass entry door was "too clean!", he made his way in with a rescued banana cream pie & his now banana creamed dress shirt.
The best part of this story...his wife, Dixie's, reaction...
"Oh Earl! Did you ruin my pie?" she questioned.
"Your pie is fine my dearest....and so am I!"
Oh, you can't make up stories like this :)
15 October 2010
Friday's Funny
14 October 2010
catching up with the Lester grandparents
We spent the last week out at my Mom & Dad's spending time with them, letting them spoil Haven, chatting, letting them spoil Haven, combining...did I mention letting them spoil Haven?
here are a few pictures from the week...

playing with a er, a real tractor :)

this was a common occurrence at night...Papa feeding Haven her cereal
Aunt Emmy teaching Haven to "talk" :)

Daddy picked up an ear of corn while we waited for Grandpa to make a round, and she became quite proud & possessive of that ear.

here comes Grandpa!
watching the corn get loaded into the grain wagon

Haven loved it..she kicked her little legs every time Grandpa would talk or point something out to her!
here are a few pictures from the week...
playing with a er, a real tractor :)
and one of the highlights of Haven's week: riding in the combine with Grandpa (well, of course, Daddy & Mommy had to ride along too)
08 October 2010
Friday's Funny-straw bales
Ya just never know what people will say or do...
For the past 2 weeks, I have entered the entrepreneurial business of selling straw bales-yes, that's right, straw bales. You see, a few weeks ago we hosted an outdoor dinner party (click here to see the dinner party post) in which straw bales were used as our seating. Since my mother-in-law and Auntie were so gracious to haul them all the way here, I mentioned to Arlan "I bet these crazy Morton folk will buy a few straw bales in order to decorate for Fall & the Pumpkin Festival is right around the corner!"
Well Arlo agreed and off I went in making signs to set along Queenwood to see if there would be any takers-my first two signs were flops & I received no calls; I got quite distraught quickly so a few days later, my husband came home with a lovely sign that his Student Council kids made for me-legible, large & to the point.

Isn't it a lovely sign indeed? Well last Tuesday a lady called saying she was interested in my sign and I quoted her the price: 1 straw bale for $10 or 2 straw bales for $15. Now some of you out there probably think that price is crazy, but especially before the Pumpkin Festival, these Morton folk might be just crazy enough to purchase them :) She needed to check with a friend, so I took her name & quantity of 2 bales down. This lady then said she would call me the same time tomorrow.
Wednesday rolled around and I didn't hear from my new friend...however, around 9:00am another lady called wanting to know if I still had straw bales & if she could purchase 6 & load them up right away for her 2 wiener roasts she was hosting in the coming weeks---"uhm, yes!" I stammer in my most business like voice-of course you can! I loaded them up for her & even gave her a $5 discount! "What about the other lady?" Arlan asked when I jubilantly told him my business news..."Who cares! She can have the last two bales and plus-you snooze, you lose!"
Okay, on to the "funny"...
Last Friday was one of the most emotional roller coasters of my life: my husband & I were packing our bags (including Haven's) to head to Jr. High Boys & Girls' Camp, we were the speakers on Friday night, in charge of heading up the college kids-getting them locked, rocked & ready to roll :), I had just finished cleaning my house in order to host my aunt & uncle from Minneapolis that Saturday night, and we also received more bad news regarding my Dad's health (more to come on this)...at about 1:30pm, I had just got done showering when my phone rang.
My friend from the previous Tuesday called again, stating her name, and said,
"You must think I'm the ditz-est thing ever for forgetting to call again regarding your straw bales!"
Not wanting to offend a potential customer, I clamor, "oh, don't worry; we all get super busy & forgetful sometimes" :)
She asks if "I still have straw... for sale?"
"yes", I reply, thinking maybe I heard her say "strawberries" instead of straw bales.
I very clearly enunciate-"yes, I have 2 STRAW BALES left; 1 STRAW BALE for $10 or 2 STRAW BALES for $15"
"Okay," she says, "I'll take the last two."
I then give her directions, and remind her to bring a blanket or tarp to cover her SUV or van as they get kinda messy..."okay?", she states.
A half hour later, my friend shows up and Arlan answered the door...
"Hi", Arlan says.
"Hello", my friend replies back, "I'm here for my strawberries."
"Uh, we don't have any strawberries"...waiting, waiting, pondering, pondering....
"We have straw bales for sale," Arlan states.
"Doesn't your sign say strawberries?", asks my new friend bewildered.
"Uh, sorry," Arlan states matter of factly. "It clearly says straw bales." [he had kept the glass door almost all the way shut-almost like he didn't want her silliness to eek through into our house :)]
I chime in, "Would you like to buy some straw bales though?" I wasn't deterred as my last potential sale is about to walk away...
"No, I'm sorry," she states, "I thought it rather odd you told me to bring a tarp or blanket. You must think I'm really ditsy now!"
And then friends, my new-no longer my friend- just walked away...no goodbye, no sorry to bother you, no wasn't that silly...she just walked away.
Arlan and I were in stitches of giggles! What exactly was this lady going to buy 2 of? 2 pints of strawberries? Two buckets of berries? Maybe even just 2 strawberries for $15? Whatever the case, we may never again encounter quite the same scenario!
Long story huh? Well, rest assured my last 2 straw bales still need a loving home...any takers?
I help you load them & who knows, I may even give you a discount :)

For the past 2 weeks, I have entered the entrepreneurial business of selling straw bales-yes, that's right, straw bales. You see, a few weeks ago we hosted an outdoor dinner party (click here to see the dinner party post) in which straw bales were used as our seating. Since my mother-in-law and Auntie were so gracious to haul them all the way here, I mentioned to Arlan "I bet these crazy Morton folk will buy a few straw bales in order to decorate for Fall & the Pumpkin Festival is right around the corner!"
Well Arlo agreed and off I went in making signs to set along Queenwood to see if there would be any takers-my first two signs were flops & I received no calls; I got quite distraught quickly so a few days later, my husband came home with a lovely sign that his Student Council kids made for me-legible, large & to the point.
Isn't it a lovely sign indeed? Well last Tuesday a lady called saying she was interested in my sign and I quoted her the price: 1 straw bale for $10 or 2 straw bales for $15. Now some of you out there probably think that price is crazy, but especially before the Pumpkin Festival, these Morton folk might be just crazy enough to purchase them :) She needed to check with a friend, so I took her name & quantity of 2 bales down. This lady then said she would call me the same time tomorrow.
Wednesday rolled around and I didn't hear from my new friend...however, around 9:00am another lady called wanting to know if I still had straw bales & if she could purchase 6 & load them up right away for her 2 wiener roasts she was hosting in the coming weeks---"uhm, yes!" I stammer in my most business like voice-of course you can! I loaded them up for her & even gave her a $5 discount! "What about the other lady?" Arlan asked when I jubilantly told him my business news..."Who cares! She can have the last two bales and plus-you snooze, you lose!"
Okay, on to the "funny"...
Last Friday was one of the most emotional roller coasters of my life: my husband & I were packing our bags (including Haven's) to head to Jr. High Boys & Girls' Camp, we were the speakers on Friday night, in charge of heading up the college kids-getting them locked, rocked & ready to roll :), I had just finished cleaning my house in order to host my aunt & uncle from Minneapolis that Saturday night, and we also received more bad news regarding my Dad's health (more to come on this)...at about 1:30pm, I had just got done showering when my phone rang.
My friend from the previous Tuesday called again, stating her name, and said,
"You must think I'm the ditz-est thing ever for forgetting to call again regarding your straw bales!"
Not wanting to offend a potential customer, I clamor, "oh, don't worry; we all get super busy & forgetful sometimes" :)
She asks if "I still have straw... for sale?"
"yes", I reply, thinking maybe I heard her say "strawberries" instead of straw bales.
I very clearly enunciate-"yes, I have 2 STRAW BALES left; 1 STRAW BALE for $10 or 2 STRAW BALES for $15"
"Okay," she says, "I'll take the last two."
I then give her directions, and remind her to bring a blanket or tarp to cover her SUV or van as they get kinda messy..."okay?", she states.
A half hour later, my friend shows up and Arlan answered the door...
"Hi", Arlan says.
"Hello", my friend replies back, "I'm here for my strawberries."
"Uh, we don't have any strawberries"...waiting, waiting, pondering, pondering....
"We have straw bales for sale," Arlan states.
"Doesn't your sign say strawberries?", asks my new friend bewildered.
"Uh, sorry," Arlan states matter of factly. "It clearly says straw bales." [he had kept the glass door almost all the way shut-almost like he didn't want her silliness to eek through into our house :)]
I chime in, "Would you like to buy some straw bales though?" I wasn't deterred as my last potential sale is about to walk away...
"No, I'm sorry," she states, "I thought it rather odd you told me to bring a tarp or blanket. You must think I'm really ditsy now!"
And then friends, my new-no longer my friend- just walked away...no goodbye, no sorry to bother you, no wasn't that silly...she just walked away.
Arlan and I were in stitches of giggles! What exactly was this lady going to buy 2 of? 2 pints of strawberries? Two buckets of berries? Maybe even just 2 strawberries for $15? Whatever the case, we may never again encounter quite the same scenario!
Long story huh? Well, rest assured my last 2 straw bales still need a loving home...any takers?
I help you load them & who knows, I may even give you a discount :)
**update: as of Thursday, Oct. 7th my lovely straw bales are ALL sold! Yeah for me!
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