1. maybe hoping it wouldn't happen
2. anxious/anticipating its happening
3. nervous about if I'd be ready for it to happen
4. trying for one sweet, last summer day to escape to "ideal" world and not reality
...but without further ado, it's here...and the "it" is school. Don't get me wrong-we've had a blessed, fun-filled summer, with lots of traveling friend and family time, remodeling, and just about everything else you can fit in a summer of 2 1/2 months but well, yeah know, as an educator, one is usually never ready to go back. New students, new relationships, new challenges, new joys...the unknown. We survived several hours of back-to-school meetings, setting up our classrooms (a new, much bigger one for Mrs. Miller), Dragon Day (the freshman welcome Mr. Miller is in charge of), and now our first full day with all our students. Both of us are continuing to teach both U.S. History & World History so that hasn't changed yet we are already finding ourselves longing for our summer days when we get to selfishly choose what to do vs. the grueling/demanding pace of teenagers & education...oh, we are so human! The rest of my blogging friends are thinking "good, those Millers finally have to go back & do what the rest of the world does-serves them right!" but until you're an educator, it's just not the same....so thanks for listening to me, thanks for your prayers, and here go Mr. & Mrs. Miller off to another year of educating our youth :)