08 December 2009
grandma & grandpa Kellenberger
Last weekend my parents flew in from NW Iowa to smooch on our little Haven...it was great having them here. Not only did it help they flew (which means much more time together) but also that we got to spend the entire day in Gridley church together-Haven's first full church day! It is so sweet to see them interact with her, especially my Dad as his new goal is getting Haven to smile as often as he can-it is so endearing. Thanks for coming Mom & Dad and see you in 2 weeks for Christmas!

02 December 2009
Happy Birthday sisters
Today is not only my biological sister, Emily's birthday, but it is also my sister-in-law Theresa's birthday. Let me tell you a bit about each of these special sisters in my life...
Emily is my only sister and older than me by 4 years. She and I look nothing alike as she has sandy brown hair (you'd never know this as her hair changes color & shades frequently-much to my mother's chagrin), no freckles, and slighly wavy/curly hair. However, many say, if you just close your eyes and listen, her and I are almost identical as our mannerisms and "sayings" are usual about the same. I followed in my sisters footsteps for many years and was her constant source of "slave labor" as what mom wanted her to do for chores, usually meant Katie ended up doing it. Then I got smart and realized just because Emily "told me to do it", didn't mean I had to! Her and I gave our mother many frights as we ended up spending our younger years fighting over chores, Barbies, etc.; when we got to high school however, this changed as both of us being in marching band colorguard forced us to get along & I've enjoyed our friendship ever since.
Emily is a special sister who is the dramatic one of the family-I always told her she missed her calling in life and should have been an elementary school teacher as she tells the BEST stories, complete with noises, sounds, impressions, etc. Emily got married 3 months before I (don't remind my parents of this bank-breaking fact), works at the VA Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD, and lives back in NW Iowa. Although many miles seperate us, her and I do try and keep in touch. She was the first family member in the door after the birth of our daughter with a huge "surprise" smile on her face-this is a special memory of mine & one I'll treasure for a long time. I love you Emily & through our ups & downs, you will always remain my big sister! Happy Birthday!

Theresa married Arlan's only brother Alan, so that gives us both the bond of "Millers" by marriage. I'll never forget the first time I met her when Arlan and I were engaged...we drove to their home in LeRoy to tell his brother & her and Theresa wasn't home. She drives up an hour later, gets out of the car with 2 kids in tow, orders pizza, and blops herself down in their kitchen and we begin to chat...it was like we had known each other our whole life. Theresa has a special knack of making people feel welcome, warm, and loved. She amazes me in so many ways-she frequently goes with the flow on a very busy Angus cattle farm, while working at the U of Illinois, raising 3 children, and traveling around the country to various cattle shows & sales-all for a girl who did NOT grow up on any kind of farm. My favorite memory could very well be just a few weeks ago she sent me a text "All hands on deck-Orlan needs helping hauling in grain to Gridley, so I have the two older kids in the back of the pickup watching a DVD, while baby Will is currently nursing, and I have 2 full wagons waiting to be unloaded"...she simply is amazing.
Theresa-I love the fact you are my sister-in-law and appreciate your insight in many areas of life. Happy Birthday dear!
Emily is my only sister and older than me by 4 years. She and I look nothing alike as she has sandy brown hair (you'd never know this as her hair changes color & shades frequently-much to my mother's chagrin), no freckles, and slighly wavy/curly hair. However, many say, if you just close your eyes and listen, her and I are almost identical as our mannerisms and "sayings" are usual about the same. I followed in my sisters footsteps for many years and was her constant source of "slave labor" as what mom wanted her to do for chores, usually meant Katie ended up doing it. Then I got smart and realized just because Emily "told me to do it", didn't mean I had to! Her and I gave our mother many frights as we ended up spending our younger years fighting over chores, Barbies, etc.; when we got to high school however, this changed as both of us being in marching band colorguard forced us to get along & I've enjoyed our friendship ever since.
Emily is a special sister who is the dramatic one of the family-I always told her she missed her calling in life and should have been an elementary school teacher as she tells the BEST stories, complete with noises, sounds, impressions, etc. Emily got married 3 months before I (don't remind my parents of this bank-breaking fact), works at the VA Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD, and lives back in NW Iowa. Although many miles seperate us, her and I do try and keep in touch. She was the first family member in the door after the birth of our daughter with a huge "surprise" smile on her face-this is a special memory of mine & one I'll treasure for a long time. I love you Emily & through our ups & downs, you will always remain my big sister! Happy Birthday!
Theresa married Arlan's only brother Alan, so that gives us both the bond of "Millers" by marriage. I'll never forget the first time I met her when Arlan and I were engaged...we drove to their home in LeRoy to tell his brother & her and Theresa wasn't home. She drives up an hour later, gets out of the car with 2 kids in tow, orders pizza, and blops herself down in their kitchen and we begin to chat...it was like we had known each other our whole life. Theresa has a special knack of making people feel welcome, warm, and loved. She amazes me in so many ways-she frequently goes with the flow on a very busy Angus cattle farm, while working at the U of Illinois, raising 3 children, and traveling around the country to various cattle shows & sales-all for a girl who did NOT grow up on any kind of farm. My favorite memory could very well be just a few weeks ago she sent me a text "All hands on deck-Orlan needs helping hauling in grain to Gridley, so I have the two older kids in the back of the pickup watching a DVD, while baby Will is currently nursing, and I have 2 full wagons waiting to be unloaded"...she simply is amazing.
Theresa-I love the fact you are my sister-in-law and appreciate your insight in many areas of life. Happy Birthday dear!
19 November 2009
3 of 3 ... the cousins meet
So the day after we got home from the hospital, Arlan's sister Cathy went into labor and thus the trio of 3 cousins is now complete. Starting back in late Aug./early Sept. with little Will Miller, there are now 3 little babies in the Miller family. Elijah, Arlan's 5 year old nephew, lovingly calls them "Adam's baby" (aka Will), Arlan's baby (aka Haven), and Cathy's baby (aka Charlee)...here are the 3 darlings during their first meeting last Friday noon at Orlan & Carol's...it is quite humorous as it does seem like you are in the midst of a hospital nursery, but nope-you are just at a Miller gathering! Welcome Charlee Ann...you are quite the precious little bundle & you have terrific parents! Haven looks forward to playing with both her cousins!
18 November 2009
more of Haven...
12 November 2009
Fall Party 2009
The question inevitably comes up..."Wow-Haven came early! Were you ready? What were you doing before she came?" (our actual due date was Nov. 12th with Haven arriving on Nov. 1st) ...well, we actually had hosted about 40 ISU students at our house for a Fall Party-pumpkin carving, apple bobbing, singing...it was great fun! Who knew a mere 3.5 hours after the last person left, my water would break & life as we know it would be drastically changed-for the good mind you, but changed nonetheless! Enjoy some pictures...

...or as in the Richard Simmons ladies from "Sweatin to the Oldies"
With 40 people in our small condo, we made use of every inch of our place, including the garage where the apple bobbing took place.
Shane forming a game plan
but the real winner of apple bobbing was actually Aaron (flannel shirt) who also coincidentally walked into our front door :) Aaron snagged 9 apples in 30 seconds!
the ISU kids surprised us by giving little Haven a set of her crib sheets, a darling dress outfit, and the book "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus"...which if you've not read it, go buy it...it's pretty hilarious...since I'm a teacher, they then made me read it :)
05 November 2009
more pictures
03 November 2009
27 October 2009
Gridley hog roast...er, beef BBQ
Every church, whether AC or not, kind of has their yearly "gathering"...for some it's a choir event, a sunrise service, charity auction-you name it, there's one. For us in Gridz, it's our annual hog roast-only this year, due to the occupation of the hosts, it became the annual beef BBQ. Historians of Gridley record this as the 9th annual. My dear husband took over 100 pictures but I'll bestow upon you just a few. Such great people, food, and hosts! Thanks Alan & Theresa-it was a great time!
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